Nuclear Power Station: A Comprehensive Overview

Nuclear Power Station

A nuclear power station (NPS), also called a nuclear power plant (NPP), generates electricity using heat from a nuclear reactor. Like other thermal power stations, it produces steam that drives a turbine connected to a generator. As of September 2023, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported 410 operating nuclear reactors in 32 countries, with 57 … Read more

Sources of Electrical Energy

Sources of Electrical Energy

Electrical energy comes from forces acting on electrically charged particles, like electrons in wires. This energy relies on the combination of current and electric potential, known as voltage, measured in volts, which a circuit provides. Motion, or current, is not always necessary. For instance, static electricity or a charged capacitor shows how a voltage difference … Read more

Secondary Emission Explained

Secondary Emission

In particle physics, secondary emission happens when particles with enough energy hit a surface or pass through a material, causing other particles to release. This often refers to the release of electrons, called secondary electrons, when charged particles like electrons or ions strike a metal surface in a vacuum tube. The number of secondary electrons … Read more

Nature of Electricity

Nature of Electricity

Electricity is a type of energy that comes from other sources like chemical energy, nuclear energy, heat, and solar power found in nature. It happens due to the presence and movement of electric charge in matter. This article will explain the nature of electricity, but first, we will look at what electricity is and how … Read more

Electric Motor: Types, Benefits, Maintenance

Electric Motor

An electric motor is a device that changes electrical energy into mechanical energy using electromagnetic effects. It creates mechanical torque by having current-carrying conductors interact with a magnetic field at right angles. Different types of electric motors arrange these conductors and the magnetic field in various ways, allowing control over torque, speed, and position. In … Read more